We are pleased to know of your interest in joining OkMRF! Members must be a municipality, public trust having municipal beneficiaries, an interlocal cooperative between a municipality and their public trust or any legal entity comprising legal authority as defined in Chapter 48 of Title 11 Oklahoma Statutes. We will help you design the retirement program that is just right for your Municipal Agency and employees.
OkMRF Staff prepares all plan documents including resolutions, ordinances and joining documents for your governing body’s approval.
We make it as easy as 1 2 3 ! Here’s how:
Steps to design a DB Program
Together we will:
- Prepare your employee census data such as: name, gender, date of birth, full time hire date and W‑2 gross annual wages and submit to the OkMRF offices
- Help you design the new program
- OkMRF’s actuary issues an actuarial report to determine costs for you to provide the benefits
Your governing body needs to:
- Approve a resolution to adopt OkMRF Trust Indenture
- Approve an ordinance to adopt the Joinder Agreement and Master Defined Benefit Plan
- Appoint an Authorized Agent (OkMRF’s primary contact)
Steps to design a DC/CMO Program
Together we will:
- Help you design the new program
Your governing body needs to:
- Approve a resolution to adopt OkMRF Trust Indenture
- Approve an ordinance to adopt the Joinder Agreement and Master Defined Contribution Plan
- Appoint an Authorized Agent (OkMRF’s primary contact)