Our Members’ and Plan Participants’ best interests are the highest priority for the OkMRF Trustees.
The Trustees are responsible for the overall implementation and success of the retirement programs, assisted by the OkMRF staff and a team of professional advisors. OkMRF assumes the fiduciary duties so your Council or Board doesn’t have to.
Some of the specific fiduciary duties are:
- Amend the plan upon Member request or as needed to maintain its qualified status with the Internal Revenue Service
- Adopt an investment policy, the governing document from which the retirement plan’s objectives and investment menu are developed and measured
- Conduct investment manager searches, due diligence, selection, hiring and termination when necessary
- Monitor the performance of managers compared with their peer groups and benchmarks
- Monitor managers and consultants to ensure fees and expenses being charged are reasonable for services provided
- Obtain training and education on new laws, regulations, industry trends and best practices
- Comply with the Oklahoma Open Meetings and Records Act
- Secure fiduciary liability coverage to protect the trust
Click on a trustee image for complete bio and contact information.